How To Keep Your Teeth White After A Professional Whitening Treatment
Meta: If your teeth are stained or discolored, a professional whitening treatment from Dr. Abelar can remove some staining and discoloration. Your “before” teeth may have been discolored and stained, but you just received the ultimate glow up with a …

Veteran Calls For Sleep Apnea Testing For Military Recruits
Meta: A military Veteran is calling for new recruits to have sleep apnea testing before entering the military.After a recent study found that many military officers and truck drivers have undiagnosed sleep apnea that could be causing dangerous or dea…

5 Tips For A More Restful Night If You Have Sleep Apnea
If you have sleep apnea , try these five tips for getting a better night’s sleep If you have obstructive sleep apnea or OSA, you probably already know a restful night’s sleep is a hard thing to come by. What with the breathing issues, and the constan…

Obstructive Sleep Apnea More Prevalent In Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder
A new study has found that children with less severe symptoms of autism spectrum disorder are more likely to be diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea.A recent study in the International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology has revealed that chil…

Food Insecurity Related To Poor Oral Health In Pregnant Women
General Dentistry Schedule an AppointmentPregnancy is a time of great changes that require extra care to the teeth and gums.Food insecurity is a growing problem here in America and around the world, and unfortunately with soaring food prices, it may …

New Study Finds Connection Between Poor Oral Health And Other Illnesses
You’ve heard it before: poor oral hygiene leads to poor oral health, including cavities and gum disease. But unfortunately, what you may not realize is that it sometimes the damage of poor oral health goes way beyond your mouth. It’s true…

Are You Getting The Most From Your Oral Health Routine?
We work hard every day. Naturally, we want to get the most out of every moment. That includes our oral health routine. But how do you know if you’re getting the most out of your oral health when you’re not at the dentist? Here are some tips for maxim…

Diet And Exercise Could Eliminate Sleep Apnea Symptoms
A recent study from the School of Arts, Science and Humanities at the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil may have some excellent news for those who suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. Following a study of 47 people with obstructive sleep apnea (or OS…

These Childhood Illnesses Could Increase Osa Risk In Children
Obstructive sleep apnea or OSA is a sleep disorder that affects millions of people around the world. Though most common in adults, it can also affect children. Sleep apnea is defined as the stopping and restarting of breathing during sleep. This is m…

Could This Soda Ingredient Be Harming Your Teeth?
If there’s one thing that cools us off and refreshes us on a hot day, it’s a tall, fizzy glass of soda. No matter what you call it (soda, pop, tonic) it’s a pretty popular drink here in America, with 48 percent of adults drinking at least one glass p…

Don’T Eat That! Summer Food Alternatives That Are Good For Your Teeth
Summer is here, and so too is summer food season. Whether it’s the boardwalk, the barbecue, the carnival or the ice cream truck, summer has no shortage of delectable treats we don’t typically get during the rest of the year- and that’s probably for t…

Prescription Medications May Cause Oral Health Problems In Younger Adults
If you are a young adult or the guardian of a young adult, there’s an emerging study on the importance of full disclosure when it comes to your medical history you may want to pay attention to.The study was conducted by the Indianapolis, Indian…

Obstructive Sleep Apnea In Children May Increase High Blood Pressure Risk
While not as common in teens and children, obstructive sleep apnea is still a problem plaguing at least ten percent of children in the United States. More typically associated with older and obese adults, obstructive sleep apnea affects millions of p…

Sleep Apnea And Heart Disease Are A Dangerous Combination
Obstructive sleep apnea and heart disease can be a deadly combination. That’s because sleep apnea has been found in clinical studies to worsen the already dangerous heart disease, according to the journal of the American Heart Association, Circ…

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Could Change Vision
We often don’t think about our mouths affecting the rest of our bodies. Sure, we use our mouths to eat, which fuels the body, but beyond that, many of us probably don’t realize how closely connected our mouths and oral health are tied together.For ex…

New Study Examines Nature Vs. Nurture In Cavities
A new study aimed at determining whether teeth are more prone to cavities thanks to genetics has found that genetics probably don’t play as much of a role in the development of dental caries as experts first thought.The study was conducted by the Uni…

Patients Resorting To Drastic Oral Health Measures In Quarantine
The global COVID-19 pandemic has left millions of people around the world on mandatory and self-imposed quarantine. Unfortunately, while this is keeping people safe and slowing the spread of the coronavirus, business closures are causing some Americans to take drastic measures to get the services they need.

Do Masks Cause Cavities?
While mask breath is definitely a common issue, is the mask really causing your bad breath? What’s most likely happening is that you’re becoming more aware of pre-existing halitosis because your breath is trapped in your mask, along with your nose, so you are smelling your own bad breath.

How We’Re Helping Prevent The Spread Of Coronavirus
The World Health Organization (WHO) has been instrumental in providing concise guidelines for stopping the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus. Recently they issued some pointers for dental clinics, and if and when they should see patients.According t…

Take Extra Care Of Children’S Teeth During Quarantine
With many dental clinics around the world closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many patients must hold off on routine dental care such as checkups and cleanings. While some emergency clinics and general practices are open on a case-by-case basis, pat…

More Evidence That Poor Oral Health May Cause Diabetes
Another study has been released connecting poor oral health to diabetes. While it has long been suspected that the gum disease periodontitis contributes to or causes type 2 diabetes, the new study provides further evidence of the connection between t…

Does The Mouth Really Heal Faster Than The Rest Of The Body?
Most of us are no stranger to mouth injuries. Whether it’s a canker sore, a bitten tongue or cheek, or even a burnt tongue from hot coffee, our mouths are subject to some pretty harsh conditions at times. But what you may also have noticed is that mo…

Common-Sense Ways To Reduce The Risk Of Coronavirus
With coronavirus (COVID-19) spreading around the globe and grabbing international headlines, it’s natural to be worried about your risk of contracting this illness. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of contracting this seri…

Poor Oral Hygiene Could Worsen Psoriasis Symptoms
An estimated 125 million people around the world have the skin condition psoriasis. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes red, flaky patches on the skin. Though it is not known what causes psoriasis (nor is there a cure), there are some trig…

Patients With Asd May Suffer From Poor Oral Hygiene
Chances are we’ve all heard of autism spectrum disorder, or ASD, and now with the World Health Organization estimating that one in 160 children have the disorder, there’s a very good chance you may know a child with this condition. Unfortunately, lit…

The Dangers Of Salt And Baking Soda For Teeth Whitening
Appointment Request Teeth Whitening A recent report by CNN has highlighted the dangers of whitening your teeth with baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) or with table salt (sodium chloride). Though these products are relatively natural, they can still be…

Teeth Could Someday Benefit Breast Cancer Patients
Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent health crises today. In fact, an estimated one in eight women will be affected by invasive breast cancer in her lifetime. Naturally, as a result, much research has been devoted to finding a cure for this ter…

Study Links Periodontal Disease To Cardiovascular Health
A recent study by researchers at the Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, has yielded some troubling findings. The study was presented at the American College of Cardiology in Dubai and claims that the fewer teeth you ha…

What Is Demineralization – And How Can It Be Fixed?
You may have seen them before – those telltale white spots on the teeth. They’re called demineralization spots, and they appear when the tooth’s enamel begins to dissolve. Though demineralization spots are bad news, the good news is they are a very e…

Don’T Wait Too Long To Start Children’S Orthodontic Treatment
A question many parents ask when they bring their child to the dentist is, “When should I have my child evaluated for braces?” Many parents notice as their child’s baby teeth fall out and their permanent teeth begin growing in that those permanent te…

What’S The Difference Between These Dental Professionals?
You may have noticed that some dentists have different letters at the end of their names. For example, Dr. Abelar’s title is “Martin P. Abelar, DDS.” You may have also noticed other dentists who have the letters DMD at the end of their name. So, what…

Love Red Wine? Here’S One More Reason To Raise A Glass
Appointment Request General Dentistry If you follow health news, chances are you’ve probably already heard of something called a polyphenol. Polyphenols are compounds that contain multiple phenolic hydroxyl groups, or any compound that contains six-m…

Budget Shortfalls Lead To Drastic Care Cuts In Scotland
When reports surfaced earlier this year that the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS) was facing major budget shortages, many United Kingdom residents who benefit from NHS services were unsure what to expect. With British dentists rep…

Could New App Help Patients Get After-Hours Dental Services?
According to a recent report by Daniel Wesley at CreditLoan.com, Americans work more hours than any other workers on Earth. In fact, Wesley claims that 66.5 percent of women and 85.8 percent of men work over 40 hours per week. That doesn’t leav…

Don’T Be Caught Off Guard By Common Oral Infections
If you develop an oral sore seemingly out of nowhere, your first reaction may be to totally ignore it – or to completely panic. Either way, there are some things you should know (and some symptoms to look for) before you make your next move. Before y…

Forensic Scientists Find Links Between Teeth, Environment
Many things get stuck in our teeth – caramel, popcorn, spinach – but did you know that for some workers, evidence of their job can get stuck in their teeth, too?A team of scientists at Gujarat, India’s Gujarat Forensic Sciences University, unde…

Smile Insecurities Affect Career Aspirations, Study Says
A recent study by the American Dental Association has revealed some startling statistics about millennials and oral health. According to the study, titled “Oral Health and Well-Being in the United States,” 29 percent of lower-income individuals and 2…

Can This Four-Hour Deep Cleaning Cure Gum Disease?
British soap opera star Samantha Womack recently made headlines for undergoing a deep-cleaning gum treatment called Bone One Session Treatment, or BOST, that claims to cure periodontal disease in just one session. Womack claims that after one four-ho…

Traveling For Work? Don’T Skip The Oral Health Routine
With an estimated 488 million business trips taken each year, averaging four nights away each, it’s safe to say that we are a country on the move. But while all that travel can bulk up your air miles account, it could be doing some severe damage to y…

Asthma Sufferers Could Be At Higher Risk Of Gum Disease
The Centers for Disease Control estimates that one in 12 Americans has the lung disease known as asthma. Asthma is categorized as an inflammation or obstruction of the bronchial tubes. This condition can be caused by environmental issues such as expo…

Dental Sealants: Protecting Children’S Teeth From Decay
It’s no secret that parents worry about their children, and kids’ health and wellness is probably most parents’ No. 1 worry. If there was a way to prevent kids from needing painful procedures down the road, most parents would happily take advantage o…

Laser Treatment May Soon Replace Painful Gum Procedures
For patients with damaged or diseased gum tissue caused by advanced gum disease like periodontitis, treatment options have historically been very slim, and very painful. But a new laser-assisted treatment called “laser-assisted new attachment procedu…

Laughter Is The Best Medicine: How Nitrous Oxide Helps Us Relax At The Dentist
It is estimated that 75 percent of Americans have some degree of anxiety when it comes to visiting the dentist. For approximately 30 to 40 million of those people, that fear is enough to keep them from visiting their dentist regularly. While outright…

Permanent Birth Control Device Blamed For Tooth Loss
For women around the world who have made the decision to stop having children, very few permanent options are available. Historically, women seeking permanent birth control have had to rely on surgical procedures such as tubal ligations or hysterecto…

Four Ways To Make Your Teeth Look Whiter Instantly
Whiter teeth. Everyone wants them, but not everyone has the time or money to get them. So, what can you do if your teeth need a bit of a pick-me-up but you’re short on time and money? Try these quick tips for a whiter, brighter smile. This probably s…

Epa’S ‘Dental Rule’ Will Possibly Reduce Over 5 Tons Of Mercury Waste
The Environmental Protection Agency is working to minimize and maybe one day completely eliminate the mercury that is entering the waterway and airways in the United States of America. On December 15, 2016, the EPA passed a new ruling establishing up…

Dentists Can Help Patients Identify Symptoms Of Lyme Disease
There are approximately 30,000 cases of Lyme disease reported a year and the numbers are rising, according to the Center for Disease Control. They caution that the months of May through July are the most concerning time of the year in the United Stat…

A Visit To The Dentist Could Help Rheumatoid Arthritis Sufferers
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic, painful, inflammatory disease that affects the joints. There’s no cure for the disease, but medications and therapy often help relieve symptoms. Thanks to scientific research, those suffering from gum disease, also …

Does It Matter How Much Sugar Was In That Unicorn-Themed Drink?
It was hard to miss the impact Starbucks’ limited-time Unicorn Frappuccino had on social media over the last few weeks. Surprisingly, critics argued not so much over the taste of the beverage but about its sugar content. Mixed in with all the vividly…

The Most Important Spring Cleaning In Your Routine
Around March and April each year, people around the nation begin thinking about cleaning and airing out the house after winter. After a few months of basic cleaning, it starts to feel like it’s time for a deep cleaning. Those hard to reach places lik…

A Dental Implant That Protects Teeth From The Inside
Three million adults in the United States have dental implants according to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry, and the numbers are rising each year by about 500,000. A dental implant is the best way to replace a missing tooth according to Dr….

Outdated And Potentially Harmful Dental Practices
It can be hard to keep up with emerging technologies and news in the healthcare world. You may be wondering if the dental care you are receiving is safe and modern, so today we’re going to talk about two red flags that may indicate it’s not.Have you …

5 Quick Tips To Improve Your Child’S Dental Routine
As children get older and start to take control of their own oral hygiene routine, it’s normal for parents to worry. Making sure they are brushing and flossing for the right amount of time and reaching all the problem areas can be daunting at first. …

A Test For Chronic Migraines Most Don’T Even Consider
Do you suffer from chronic and persistent migraines or ear, neck, shoulder, head and body aches or pains? These may sound like symptoms of various medical conditions such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, and even Lyme disease, but did you know they are al…

Does Oil Pulling Whiten Teeth And Eliminate Oral Bacteria?
Recent headlines about the Ayurvedic practice of oil pulling has sparked the American Dental Association (ADA) to begin researching the validity of practitioners’ claims that daily oil pulling can eliminate bacteria in the mouth and whiten teeth. Dr….

Think Before You Drink: The Worst Soft Drinks For Your Teeth
Soft drinks and other sugary energy drinks account for a large percentage of cavities and tooth decay plaguing Americans, and yet most of us continue to consume them regularly. Dr. Martin Abelar has the scoop on what makes these drinks bad for your …

Us Supreme Court Declines To Comment On Non-Dentist Provided Teeth Whitening Services
On February 29, the United States Supreme Court officially declined to hear an appeal brought against the state of Connecticut regarding the constitutionality of state regulators prohibiting the sale of teeth whitening services by non-dentists. The …

Why You Should Invest In Dental Implants Vs. Dentures
As you weigh your options for replacing lost teeth, price can be a discriminating factor. In the short term, dentures are a flexible, low cost solution, but over the long term the benefits and cost savings diminish. At Dr. Martin Abelar’s office, w…

Dentalphobia Can Lead To Serious Oral Health Problems.
Sometimes an experience at the dentist as a child can lead to a fear of the dentist as an adult. In other cases, other basic fears can be projected onto the experience of a dental visit. This “dentalphobia,” or fear of the dentist, can have a prof…

Columbia Research Scientists Discover Cell Activity Link Between Sleep Apnea And Cardiovascular Disease
Last week researchers at Columbia University released information from a study in which they found a link between Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and cardiovascular disease. Dr. Martin Abelar D.D.S sees this as one more reason that it is important for…