As you weigh your options for replacing lost teeth, price can be a discriminating factor. In the short term, dentures are a flexible, low cost solution, but over the long term the benefits and cost savings diminish. At Dr. Martin Abelar’s office, we believe that the benefits of getting dental implants at a slightly greater price up front will pay off over time.
Longevity. Dentures are a flexible molded piece of plastic designed to give the image of real teeth and gums that is fitted over the remaining gum and jawline and in some cases affixed with a clasp. They are removable and require daily cleaning. With wear and tear over time, or changes to the remaining jawline, the dentures will need to be replaced.
Alternatively, dental implants are synthetic teeth placed into the actual jawbone with screws that provide a semi-permanent solution. They can be replaced if broken or otherwise damaged, but for most cases, this is rarely necessary. The dental implants become a part of the natural teeth and gums, and are cared for with normal tooth brushing and flossing.
Changes Over Time. With dentures, there is a large difference in the amount of biteforce between the denture, which can offer 50 lbs. of pressure, and the regular teeth and gums that offer 200-250 lbs. of pressure, which means that there is a large difference in chewing capability that can impact the wearer’s diet and overall health. When natural teeth remain, chewing pressure is largely redistributed to those teeth, causing greater wear and tear, and lack of stimulation of the jawbone underneath the dentures can lead to resorption and shrinkage of the jawline that can lead to a variety of health problems. Wear and tear to the existing teeth and shrinkage of the jawline also leads to the need for dentures to be remade or refitted.
Unlike dentures, dental implants fitted into the jawbone help it retain its structure and shape as well as maintaining the full 200-250 lbs. of bite force delivered by the original teeth, enabling better chewing capability and preventing the redistribution of wear and tear to the remaining natural teeth. For more information or to schedule a consultation, please contact our office at (858) 866-9692.