If you’re like some of us, you may know someone with sleep apnea, or at least have heard of this condition.Sleep apnea is so common that it affects up to 10 percent of people around the world. One type of sleep apnea, obstructive sleep apnea (or OSA) is more common than others, and can be caused by everything from genetics to obesity to smoking.
While everyone’s cause of obstructive sleep apnea is different, there are many similarities in OSA symptoms. Here is what you should be looking out for if you think you or a loved one could be suffering from obstructive sleep apnea.
First, it is important to note that OSA occurs more frequently in men than it does in women. Most of the men who report OSA are either overweight, smoke, or are above the age of 50, however this is not always the case.
If you fit those parameters, you could be at a higher risk for OSA, especially if it runs in your family, but there is another important sign you should be looking out for: snoring
Snoring is a big indicator of OSA, however just because you snore does not mean you have OSA, nor does having OSA mean you will snore. Snoring, when not related to OSA, is generally caused when the tongue, throat muscles, and palate relax during sleep. This pushes air past the soft tissue, which then causes vibrations that create that ‘train off the tracks’ sound we all know as storing.
When someone with OSA snores, it is common for them to not just snore, but to stop breathing or struggle to breathe between snores. If this sounds familiar, please reach out to Dr. Abelar for more information about sleep apnea, as this struggle to breathe can be very dangerous. It can reduce blood oxygen levels, which can cause or exacerbate a whole host of medical problems. In fact, sleep apnea has been known to cause or worsen certain cancers, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, anxiety, and cognitive impairment.
If you or someone you know snores, please discuss being evaluated for sleep apnea with Dr. Abelar. It could save your life.