You’re no stranger to pain if you suffer from temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ dysfunction). Temporomandibular joint dysfunction can cause jaw stiffness, difficulty chewing or speaking, migraine headaches, neck pain, backaches, and even tinnitus, all of which can make you highly uncomfortable.
The good news about temporomandibular joint dysfunction is that it is treatable. Dr. Abelar has successfully treated many cases of temporomandibular joint dysfunction with real results that have made a positive difference in his patient’s lives.
But what can you do to help prevent or eliminate the pain from temporomandibular joint dysfunction while you’re undergoing treatment or before your treatment begins? Believe it or not, there are some minor lifestyle adjustments that can help.
If you’re suffering from temporomandibular joint pain, here are a few things you can try to help ease discomfort and jaw stiffness that can often be signs of this debilitating condition.
Stay loose: To help evade jaw stiffness, keep your jaw muscles relaxed and in resting position. It can sometimes be challenging to do this when stressed but try to be aware of your body positioning. Furthermore, avoid making exaggerated jaw movements, such as big yawns, yelling, singing, or chewing. Make sure to eat all meals, but try to avoid chewy foods or gum.
Sit Up Straight: Whether at your desk, the dinner table, or in your car, make sure you’re sitting up as straight as possible. If you’re relaxing on the couch, keep your head upright and use a pillow behind your back for greater support.
Go To Sleep: You already know the myriad benefits of a good night’s sleep, but did you know sleep can also help with temporomandibular joint pain? Just prop your head up with a pillow and try to sleep on your back.
Hot And Cold Compresses: Hot or cold compresses can help loosen tightness in the jaw and ease the pain of temporomandibular joint dysfunction.
Stress Reduction: While it’s not always possible to eliminate everything that stresses you out of your life, try to reduce what you can. Stress can cause us to tense up, grind our teeth, and cause further pain in our temporomandibular joint.
Work It Out: Depending on the severity of your case of temporomandibular joint dysfunction, Dr. Abelar may prescribe jaw exercises you can do from home. These exercises are designed to loosen the jaw muscles and reduce the pain associated with jaw tightness.
Get The Treatment You Deserve: Don’t suffer needlessly from temporomandibular joint dysfunction. If you’re tired of the pain and stiffness, call Dr. Abelar’s office and schedule a consultation to help correct your temporomandibular joint dysfunction once and for all!