COVID-19 has caused a lot of havoc in our daily lives. From wearing masks to social distancing and quarantining, it seems like every facet of our routines has been altered due to the coronavirus. As a result, a lot of stress has been added to our already stressful lives. This stress isn’t doing us any favors. It’s taking its toll on physical and mental health, and surprisingly enough, it’s bad news for our oral health, too.
But how could stress be affecting our oral health? There are actually many ways in which stress manifests itself in our mouths. Here are just a few things to keep an eye out for, and what you can do to correct them.
Though there is no one cause of canker sores (those benign sores that appear on the insides of your cheeks and stick around for a few weeks) stress is thought to be one of them. If you find yourself feeling stressed and experiencing more canker sores than usual these days, stress could be the culprit.
Temporomandibular joint dysfunction or TMJ dysfunction is when the TMJ joint becomes misaligned from the bones which connect the lower jaw to the skull. This can happen due to injury, genetics, or stress, as you maybe grinding your teeth due to stress and cause your temporomandibular joint to become misaligned. If you are experiencing clicking and popping of the jaw when you chew, feeling joint stiffness or difficulty chewing, please contact Dr. Abelar’s office for a consultation.
The biggest problem with teeth grinding, aside from the wear on your tooth enamel and the bone degradation it causes, is that you may not even know you’re doing it. This of course makes it very difficult to treat. The good news is Dr. Abelar can tell when you’ve been grinding your teeth and can help get you fitted for a bite guard to help protect your teeth and jaw. If you are noticing unexplained jaw pain, chips, or cracks in your teeth, or if you find yourself grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw call Dr. Abelar’s office for a consultation.
Remember, it’s normal to be stressed out during these times, but there are ways to protect your teeth from the negative effects of that stress. If you are ready to schedule your appointment with Dr. Abelar’s office, please call us at (858) 523-1400.