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Psoriasis And Your Oral Health

Dr Martin Abelar - March 8, 2021 - 0 comments

If you are one of the 7.5 million Americans who suffer from a skin condition known as psoriasis, you may have already heard that psoriasis can be caused or triggered by inflammation in the body. While some inflammation is difficult to prevent, there is one surprising area of inflammation that is not only treatable, you may have never realized it could be making your psoriasis symptoms worse.

Psoriasis is a skin disorder that causes symptoms including painful, itchy skin, cracked skin which bleeds, rashes, patches of inflamed skin, silver scaly skin, discoloration of the nails or detached nails, and even scaly patches on the scalp. Psoriasis can be both embarrassing and painful and can be difficult to treat.

Psoriasis can appear anywhere on the body- even on the face, lips, tongue, and throughout the mouth.  Worse people with psoriasis have a higher risk of getting gum disease. In fact, a recent study even found that people with psoriasis are more likely to have gum disease than those who do not have psoriasis. Why? Inflammation.

Inflammation of the gums from periodontal diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis may be the key to psoriasis flare-ups. You see, periodontal diseases cause inflammation, which can worsen a whole host of other systemic problems, including diabetes and arthritis.  This is one of the many reasons why taking excellent care of your oral health is so important.

So, what can be done if you suffer from periodontal disease and psoriasis? The first step is to get your periodontal issues under control with the help of Dr. Abelar. Brushing and flossing regularly at home can help make conditions like gingivitis go away, and help with the symptoms of periodontal disease.  There are also treatment options in the office to help treat your periodontal disease before it worsens. Periodontal disease can be very serious, causing much more than just inflammation. It can lead to lost teeth, lost gum tissue, and even lost jaw bone.

Once your gums are under Dr. Abelar’s care, hopefully, the inflammation in your body will help decrease your psoriasis symptoms, but work with your physician for psoriasis treatment options.

Remember, you don’t need to have psoriasis to have inflammation from gum disease, so make sure you are taking care of your teeth and gums at home, by brushing twice a day and flossing at least once per day. If you have any questions or concerns about your oral health, please contact Dr. Abelar’s office today.

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