The holidays are about celebration and often, spending time with the ones we love, indulging in extravagant meals, and eating sweet treats we don’t normally enjoy in our everyday diet. But the holidays are over – at least some of them- so you’re safe, right? Not so fast. Despite many of us set resolutions to eat better and take better care of our health (yes, that should include oral health!) there are still spring and winter holidays headed our way, and they could be harmful to your oral health.
Chocolate truffles, sugar-coated marshmallows, and jellybeans are sweets that many of us look forward to eating this time of year. With Valentine’s Day right around the corner and Easter following closely behind, sugary snacks are still a threat to our oral health. How much of a threat? Well, according to a new survey by DentaVox, they’re kind of a big deal.
Though the survey found that the Christmas season is admittedly the worst holiday for oral health (48 percent of respondents found Christmas to be the most detrimental to oral hygiene), Valentine’s Day and Easter still made the cut, with 11 percent and 4 percent, respectively.
So, why are these holidays so bad for our teeth? Well, for starters, there’s all that candy. Sugar is notoriously bad for our teeth, feeding those nasty bacteria that cause cavities. Valentine’s Day also brings champagne, and maybe even an extravagant dinner. Food aside, respondents to the survey also stated that their oral hygiene suffers during the holiday seasons, as they are less apt to care for their teeth during these times.
Another reason oral health may suffer during the holidays? Dental clinic hours may be reduced during these times, making routine exams and procedures difficult to schedule. Thankfully, this is not usually an issue for Valentine’s Day, so if it’s time for your annual or biannual appointment, be sure to treat your (sweet) teeth to cleaning this February!
The survey also found that the stress of the holidays may be responsible for oral health issues, though they did not specify how that stress manifests itself, whether it be teeth grinding, emotional eating, or disinterest in brushing and flossing.
Remember: the holidays may add undue stress and delicious treats to your life, but that’s no excuse to leave oral health by the wayside. If you need a little motivation to care for your teeth, remember that oral health doesn’t take holidays, and keep that healthy routine going year-round!
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Abelar, please call (858) 523-1400.