There are many ways in which the mouth and body are connected, one being the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). While small, this particular joint plays a very important role in the overall homeostasis of an individual. TMJ dysfunction can result in symptoms that hinder daily activities and change peoples’ lives completely due to their pain. Because of the variety of possible symptoms that don’t seem to directly relate to the jaw, TMJ often goes undiagnosed and patients learn to live with their symptoms. It’s not uncommon for TMJ sufferers to take medication for headaches and never undercover the true source of the problem.
The practice of Neuromuscular Dentistry allows us to examine patients’ posture and muscle function. We can then begin to work toward a jaw position that is most comfortable for the patient. We will often create a short-term solution for patients while working toward a long-term goal for TMJ treatment. Our TMJ treatment is focused on non-invasive (surgery free) methods that help to realign the jaw to its proper position.
Possible TMJ symptoms rage from jaw pain and clicking to pain in the neck, ears, back and shoulders. One of the most common symptoms is frequent headaches. If you experience any of these symptoms that cannot be explained by something else, it’s a good idea to have a neuromuscular exam.
Do you have questions about TMJ dysfunction that I didn’t cover in this blog? You can reach me at 858-866-9692 to find out more or schedule a consultation.