In the past, deep tissue infection of the gums required painful cutting away of gum tissue from the infected area so that a deep cleaning of damaged tissue and bacterial debris built up on the root of the tooth could be scaled and cleaned to prevent further damage to the teeth and gums. Since it was approved by the FDA in 1994, the LANAP procedure has offered patients a less invasive approach to periodontal surgery. Dr. Martin Abelar offers LANAP as one of the many periodontal procedures at our office.
LANAP stands for Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure. Instead of cutting away infected gum tissue and resectioning, the LANAP procedure uses a tiny laser no larger than the width of three hairs, and inserts it into the gum pocket for debridement of the diseased tissue.
The pulsating laser dissects the diseased area opening it up so that the practitioner can see any plaque or other bacterial buildup on the root of the tooth. An ultrasonic scaler is used to remove the debris from the tooth roots. The laser then finishes debridement of the pocket and the pocket is closed.
The LANAP procedure is typically performed in 30 minute increments, and for most patients the whole mouth is complete in two sessions. If you are experiencing inflammation of your gums and would like to discuss the LANAP procedure as an option for your periodontal treatment, call our office at (858) 866-9692.