If you’re a parent or spend any time with kids, it’s likely that you’ve heard of the online game Roblox. Available on PC or via app, Roblox boasts 43.2 million daily users around the globe, with two-thirds of them children under the age of 16, and the average user spends 2.6 hours per day on the game!
As far as games go, Roblox is rated 13 and up, with only mild violence. In the game you can create an avatar, earn rewards, change outfits, and interact in “immersive 3D worlds”.
One of the cool features of Roblox is earning exclusive outfits, and visiting interactive spaces. In fact, advertisers have started to catch on to this type of interactive content, including invisible aligner manufacturer, Invisalign®. Recently, Invisalign®, with the help of Publicis Group, Starcom, and IF7, created an interactive dentist office as part of their Livetopia world.
There, users can visit the dentist, play games, and even earn Invisalign® branded outfits they can use in other games throughout the app. As of press time, more than 2 million users had visited the Invisalign® dental clinic, and 70,000 users had downloaded the Roblox uniforms.
So, what does this all mean for your teeth? Well, the good news is that Roblox is reaching a younger generation early. According to Invisalign®, 70 percent of all braces wearers still wear traditional wire and bracket braces, but that could be because they aren’t aware there’s an easier solution.
Invisalign® braces are clear aligners that fit comfortably over the teeth. They are removable for cleaning, eating, drinking, and brushing your teeth, and though they should be worn for a minimum of 22 hours per day, offer unique perks that wire and bracket braces don’t.
Invisalign® braces aren’t “just for adults” either. Kids and teens can use them, depending on the severity of the work needed, though many adults opt to go with them because they look more discreet and professional.
While Invisalign® isn’t sure that linking up with Roblox will pay off in the end, they are entering uncharted marketing territory. Only time will tell if it helps raise awareness of the brand, but for now if your kids come to you asking about Invisalign®, that may be where they heard about it.
To learn more about the many benefits of Invisalign®, schedule an appointment with Dr. Abelar today!