For many parents, taking their child to the dentist can be a stressful ordeal when the child is either fearful or hyperactive. For many children, the length of time for a professional teeth cleaning and exam can be a long time to sit still in the dentist’s chair. Dr. Martin Abelar offers sedation dentistry as an option to ease the experience.
One option is oral sedation dentistry. Dr. Abelar will prescribe an oral sedative for your child to take 1-2 hours prior to the appointment. Your child will drift into a peaceful slumber that should last through the duration of the dental procedures. Once the work is complete, your child will wake with little or no memory of the visit or the work that was done.Dr. Abelar also offers conscious sedation dentistry under which we administer nitrous oxide to sedate your child to the point that he or she achieves a comfortable yet conscious state of sedation. Conscious sedation allows your child to be semi-awake, able to talk and ask or answer questions during treatment and be aware of what work is done without fear or anxiety.
Dr. Abelar also offers conscious sedation dentistry under which we administer nitrous oxide to sedate your child to the point that he or she achieves a comfortable yet conscious state of sedation. Conscious sedation allows your child to be semi-awake, able to talk and ask or answer questions during treatment and be aware of what work is done without fear or anxiety. When Dr. Abelar treats your child under conscious sedation, he or she can be restored to full consciousness when we replace the flow of nitrous oxide with pure oxygen.
While some parents may consider sedation dentistry a luxury, Dr. Abelar believes that starting with sedation dentistry at a young age can eliminate a lot of the fear and anxiety that goes along with dental office visits. It may help your child feel comfortable with maintaining better lifelong care by conditioning them to understand that there is nothing to fear.
To inquire about sedation dentistry or schedule an appointment, call our office at 858-866-9692.