We all get dry mouth from time to time. Whether we’re just parched, taking a medication that dries our mouth out, or mouth-breathing due to snoring or an illness, chances are we will experience the discomfort of dry mouth at least once in our lifetime. But what if that dry mouth won’t go away?
Though dry mouth can be caused by many things, including changes to the biochemical composition of the saliva, a new study has found a link between dry mouth and Alzheimer’s disease. Here’s what you should know.
Saliva is a key component to our oral health. It keeps the mouth moisturized, and helps fight off dangerous bacteria that can cause gum disease and cavities. When we get dry mouth, our saliva is less-effective at helping us do these things. This is why prolonged dry mouth is dangerous for your oral health.
If you do suffer from dry mouth, it is important that you discuss this with Dr. Abelar so that he may rule out any serious conditions, be they oral health or otherwise. Sometimes it is just a matter of switching medications or adding a moisturizing mouth wash or toothpaste to your oral health regimen.
In the chance that it may be something more serious causing your dry mouth, such as Alzheimer’s disease, speak to your physician about getting screened for Alzheimer’s or other conditions that may cause dry mouth. In the meantime, here’s how you can keep your mouth feeling fresh.
For Dry Mouth:
Drink plenty of water to keep the mouth and body hydrated
Use an over the counter moisturizing mouthwash and toothpaste
Don’t forget to brush and floss regularly
Speak to your physician about possible medications that may be causing dry mouth as a side-effect.
Get screened for Alzheimer’s disease as a precaution, especially if you are older or experiencing other signs and symptoms.
Speak to Dr. Abelar about your symptoms, as he may wish to prescribe you stronger moisturizing oral health products.
Remember, dry mouth happens from time to time and is generally no cause for concern, however, if you are experiencing it more frequently than usual or are concerned about your oral health for any reason, please contact Dr. Abelar’s office and schedule a consultation with ,Dentist in San Deigo.