With the pandemic still very much present in our daily lives and many of us still on quarantine or lockdown, stress levels in America and around the world are at all-time highs. Though stress can manifest itself in many different ways, one particularly dangerous and painful way is through the temporomandibular joint of the jaw.
It’s called temporomandibular joint dysfunction, and it’s a collection of disorders of the temporomandibular joint. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction or TMJ dysfunction occurs when the temporomandibular joint of the jaw becomes misaligned with the skull. This can cause many issues, including jaw clicking and popping, jaw stiffness, difficulty chewing or speaking, headaches, backaches, neck aches, ear pain, poor posture, bulging masseter muscles, and more. Temporomandibular joint dysfunction can be debilitating, and often patients with a temporomandibular joint condition struggle to not just find relief but to get a diagnosis.
Though there is no magical cure for TMJ dysfunction, there are a number of treatments available for your consideration, depending on your individual situation. From orthotics like bite positioners to bite guards to even orthodontics, Dr. Abelar offers several solutions.
Lately, however, some practitioners have begun using Botox, a treatment typically used to treat fine lines and wrinkles in the face, to treat TMJ dysfunction. This is done by injecting the Botox directly into the masseter muscle, relaxing it and in theory alleviating some of the TMJ dysfunction pain. The problem? First of all, it’s not FDA approved. This in itself keeps many practitioners from offering this treatment. Next, it’s not guaranteed to work, and with most insurance companies not covering the treatment, it can be an expensive gamble. Botox in the masseter can run upwards of $800 per treatment, and with even the best results lasting between 4-6 months, that cost can add up fast.
So, what can you do if you have TMJ dysfunction and are seeing pain relief? Speak to Dr. Abelar about your treatment options. He can help customize a treatment plan which allows you to life a pain-free life without having to make repeated investments for uncomfortable treatments that may not even work. To speak to Dr. Abelar about your TMJ dysfunction symptoms. Please contact the office for a consultation.