If you are one of the millions of people across the globe who use CPAP therapy to treat the sleep disorder sleep apnea, you may want to make sure you’re using it right. According to a new study by the Department of Sleep Medicine at Shantou University Mental Health Center and the Sleep Medicine Center at Shantou University Medical College in China, using CPAP therapy incorrectly (eg, not as prescribed) can actually increase your body mass index (BMI)
The study, which was published in the Annals of The American Thoracic Society, found that those who used their CPAP machine for less than five hours per night were at a higher risk for developing a higher BMI. This is surprising because while sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnea are typically associated with excess weight, treating this disorder should be associated with lower BMI. Unfortunately for those in the study, this was by and large not the case.
While doctors are puzzled by these results, they do concur that sleep apnea treatment should be accompanied by a body fat reduction or weight loss program. Sleep apnea has also recently been found to increase the rate of visceral body fat (the fat that wraps around our internal organs and may not be visible as body fat outside the body).
If you have sleep apnea, don’t despair. There are measures you can take to both help reduce your BMI and also help your sleep apnea treatment work better.
Lose weight. Get on a healthy weight control program approved by your doctor. Don’t go it alone. Losing weight can be a long, frustrating road so speak to your doctor about a sensible plan that will give you real results.
Move more. Exercise is key to losing weight and keeping your heart healthy. It can also help you sleep better.
Treat your sleep apnea. While sleep therapy such as CPAP may not be for everyone, a mandibular sleep orthotic from Dr. Abelar makes an excellent alternative to CPAP. Mandibular devices are custom fit to your individual mouth and don’t require the use of tubing, machinery, or those awkward CPAP masks.
To learn more about Mandibular devices, please contact Dr. Abelar’s office and schedule a consultation today.