Believe it or not, fall is right around the corner and so too is either the most wonderful or most dreaded time of year, depending on who you ask. It’s back-to-school season – time to start thinking about what to send your college kid back to school with this year. From bedding to books, clothing to comforters, there’s no shortage of what to pack. But before you seal up that suitcase, make sure you’re sending your collegiate with all the necessary oral health essentials!
Braces Care
Does your student have braces? If so it’s important that he or she keep caring for orthodontia while they’re away at college. That means packing everything from a water flosser to braces wax to those tiny little brushes designed to clear away debris trapped under braces wires. It’s also important to arm your student with an emergency plan in case of an orthodontic emergency. While many campuses have a clinic, your student may need to see an orthodontist while away from home. That’s why it makes sense to find one prior to dropping your student off for the year and provide your student with the orthodontist’s contact information and insurance information – just in case.
While your student is away, he or she may also need to see a dentist. Help them by locating an emergency practitioner that takes your insurance so in case of an emergency your student can be seen without having to worry about payment details.
Mouth Guards
Does your student play sports? Make sure he or she packs a sports mouth guard so their teeth are protected during game time. Got a student who grinds their teeth? Make sure they bring their mouth guard for that, too.
The Basics
Yes, it goes without saying your student should pack a toothbrush and toothpaste, but have them double and triple check, or better yet, have them make a checklist and make sure they have oral hygiene products on it. Remind your student to replace their brush or brush head every three months.
Before you send your student back to school, swing by for an exam with Dr. Abelar. Your student will appreciate returning to school with a clean, healthy smile, and you will appreciate them leaving with a clean bill of health. If we do find any surprises, we can correct them before your student goes back to college, saving them time and pain later on down the road if the problem worsens.
To schedule an appointment for your college-age (or any age) child, please call Dr. Abelar at (858) 866-9692.