A recent study has found that 70 percent of dentists have seen an increase in stress-related dental issues since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic last spring. This includes problems like temporomandibular joint dysfunction, jaw clenching, and teeth grinding.
This alarming rate of dental issues is likely caused by a common culprit: stress. There’s no doubt that the pandemic has left many of us stressed out, and unfortunately, some of us are taking it out on our teeth.
Unfortunately, when it comes to jaw clenching and teeth grinding, sometimes we don’t even realize we’re doing it. This can make stopping extremely difficult, so it’s important to get in tune with your body and figure out if you could be manifesting your stress orally. Signs that you may be taking out your own hard times on your teeth include tight muscles in the jaw, headaches, shooting pains when eating hot or cold foods, and sensitivity while chewing.
Thankfully, there are ways that you can try to manage your stress to help reduce the wear and tear you may be putting on your teeth.
First, doctors recommend getting plenty of rest. Another way to manage stress? Exercise – even if it’s just a short walk around the block. Also, don’t forget to visit Dr. Abelar, as he can keep an eye on any problems stress may be causing to your pearly whites. Stress-related tooth damage is completely preventable, and the sooner you treat it, the better the outcome.
For those who find themselves grinding their teeth or clenching their jaw, this can be especially dangerous, as this can cause broken, chipped, or cracked teeth. Jaw clenching can lead to temporomandibular joint dysfunction. Both of these conditions can be treated with the use of orthotics, bite guards, braces, or even physical therapy or jaw exercises.
If you believe that you could be taking your stress out on your jaw, schedule your appointment with Dr. Abelar today. He can help customize a treatment plan for you that will help protect your smile. If you are suffering from stress or depression, speak to your primary care physician about your options.